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Rescued Turkey just wants love
This short little video says a million words.
This is someone's potential Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner....only thankfully now she has been rescued, she will never be that. And all she wants is a cuddle and to have her head stroked....
Ah, that's absolutely delightful!
I did not know that turkeys could be so affectionate. I have never really met a turkey.
I am happy she was rescued.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I think we'd find that most animals which many people view only as 'food sources' or 'commodities', are capable of affection and loyalty, if or when they are given a chance, and a meaningful connection with a human being.
Quote:I think we'd find that most animals which many people view only as 'food sources' or 'commodities', are capable of affection and loyalty, if or when they are given a chance, and a meaningful connection with a human being.

I agree. We are always hearing about animals that  blossom when we give them the chance.  That means that all the many food animals that are out there would be just as loving if we let them.

That is something to think about isn't it.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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