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cat model
Hi there,

I am looking for a cat anatomy model, as I already have a dog one, but I have found it is very difficult to find. (for a good price, ideally I want to spend no more than 25-30 bucks). I would like it to have both the skeleton and organs. If possible.

Any suggestions?  Huh

The kind of cat model you want is going to be very hard to find. I did a quick search and I couldn't find exactly what you are looking for. I couldn't find anything even close. Some places that supply skeletons and models didn't have cats. There were plenty of dinosaur and mammoth models available.

There used to be a model of a cat and dog that showed bones and organs. I remember it from when I was younger. I haven't seen one in years. You might get one from EBay or Kijiji. Amazon had some similar things so you could check them out. They might carry cat models at some point.

Are you studying cats or are you just curious?
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

(04-24-2017, 11:31 AM)Catherine Wrote: The kind of cat model you want is going to be very hard to find. I did a quick search and I couldn't find exactly what you are looking for. I couldn't find anything even close. Some places that supply skeletons and models didn't have cats. There were plenty of dinosaur and mammoth models available.

There used to be a model of a cat and dog that showed bones and organs. I remember it from when I was younger. I haven't seen one in years. You might get one from EBay or Kijiji. Amazon had some similar things so you could check them out. They might carry cat models at some point.

Are you studying cats or are you just curious?

Thank you! I am interested in veterinary medicine, and I am just curious about the basic anatomy of some animals. (including cats)
You might do well to visit any science stores in your area. You could try a museum store if you have a big museum.
Also look online on any sites like EBay and Kijiji.

Actual models of cat skeletons are more expensive. You can but them online, but they are hundreds of dollars, when they have them in stock.

I think you can get some very good text books about cat anatomy. Most university book stores would carry basic science texts.
I think there are probably web sites as well. I haven't looked yet.

It is good to get started learning about animals. If you do become a vet it will help and if you don't you will still use the knowledge in other ways. A good basic comparative anatomy book would be a great way to learn. I hope you find something.
I am still glad I got to study the anatomy of a number of animals.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

(04-24-2017, 02:51 PM)Catherine Wrote: You might do well to visit any science stores in your area. You could try a museum store if you have a big museum.
Also look online on any sites like EBay and Kijiji.

Actual models of cat skeletons are more expensive. You can but them online, but they are hundreds of dollars, when they have them in stock.

I think you can get some very good text books about cat anatomy. Most university book stores would carry basic science texts.
I think there are probably web sites as well. I haven't looked yet.

It is good to get started learning about animals. If you do become a vet it will help and if you don't you will still use the knowledge in other ways. A good basic comparative anatomy book would be a great way to learn. I hope you find something.
I am still glad I got to study the anatomy of a number of animals.

I will definitely look into getting some text books and looking at some stores. You have been such a help, thank you so much!  Smiley4
Hello Lanimal, and a very warm welcome to the forum.

Catherine made some very useful suggestions, but you could also ask a veterinarian in your area? Or a veterinary hospital? It may not be a genuine bone skeleton, but made of resin. They might not be able to provide one for you ....I don't know....(maybe one that was a bit broken and  only needed some super glue to fix?)...But they might know a scientific supply store where you could buy one. There would even be second hand ones maybe. Students who have qualified and are getting rid of old stuff?
An ad on a free ads board, maybe in a vet school? might also turn up something?
Good idea! I recently emailed my local vet hospital to ask about maybe volunteering there, maybe when I hear back I can bring that up. Thanks!
Mind you, I have no idea how much models like that would cost. I once lived with medical students and one of them had a human skeleton. That was in the 1970s. It cost rather a lot of money!
Hopefully its former inhabitant is now moved on to pastures MUCH greener and can look back in humour.
Real skeletons are very expensive. Good models are still not cheap. Second hand might be the way to go. Someone who has changed their mind about studying animals might want to sell things cheaper.

If that doesn't work you might be able to study models and posters at a vet clinic when you volunteer.

I think there are some very good veterinary posters out there with pictures of a cat skeleton. That would at least make you familiar with the anatomy.

Good luck. Let us know what you find.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I am looking at posters right now, I will definitely let you know what I end up doing! Thanks again!

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