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Eleven year old kills pets with insulin injection
This is a very disturbing incident. An eleven year old boy injected his three family pets with insulin. Sadly in spite of medical help all three died. It is believed that the boy did it deliberately and he  knew what he was doing.

This is a very serious situation. The boy deliberately did something he knew would kill the animals. It took planning and intention to carry out all three injections. I don't know what charges they can make stick, but they do need to deal with this boy. He is potentially dangerous to more than his family pets. They were the only ones he had access to. If he gets another  chance who knows who he might kill.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Because of his relatively young age, it is highly possible that no action will be taken at all, especially as relatives have not complained. Having said that, I agree totally, Catherine, with what you have written:
"....they do need to deal with this boy. He is potentially dangerous...."

If, as is likely, no action is taken, this boy will get the idea that killing does not result in punishment. This is especially the case if his parents or other relatives do not accept that he has done anything wrong.

I am sad for the innocent pets killed in this way. I am also sad that this boy may go on to do something similar, or worse, because of lack of action now. He needs to learn that killing intentionally is wrong.
I am wondering if this is the first incident in his life. His family is taking this too calmly.

This boy is going to do bad things again even if there are consequences this time.
He needs some serious intervention. I don't know if he can be helped. Certainly he needs to be protected from doing more harm to others.

If nothing is done we will be reading about another incident soon enough.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

How horrific. My thoughts are for those poor dogs and cat.

It's time we stopped wrapping children in cotton wool. This boy did what he did deliberately. He must have had enough intelligence to understand what insulin does. Probably one of his family members is diabetic. He needs to face charges in a juvenile court, He needs to grasp the seriousness of his actions, and he needs psychiatric help.
He also needs his parents to come down hard on him.
I think the boy is very much aware of what he was doing. Think of how much planning and thought went into  what he did.
This was not an immature act of violence. It was a planned out killing. How could they possibly think of excusing him. They are not doing the boy any favours by excusing him. Soon enough his age won't be an excuse and he will end up being treated as an adult. And it is sad to think of who else will suffer and die at his hands before he is stopped.

It would be best for everyone if he were dealt with now. 
I bet his parents have been hiding his behavior for years. I am sure there have been other incidents that they have excused.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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