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Why won't the man pet the dog
The poor dog just can't understand why the man won't pet him. He is being a good dog and a friendly dog. 
What is the matter with this guy.

Smiley4 Poor dog, he just doesn't understand mannequins.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Aw! Poor disappointed dog! Wouldn't you think he'd be able to smell if the "human" was real or not?
I don't think Misty would have fallen for that. But she would have barked at it, probably just once, and maybe growled.
I can't imagine what Sally would make of it....but then, she's a cat. She'd see it hadn't got any food, and go back to sleep I think Smiley4
It is one of those friendly dogs that doesn't think too much. Also the mannequin was dressed by a real human and probably handled by real humans so it had some human scent. Misty wouldn't have fallen for that even for a moment. No cat would have fallen for it. Snakes and lizards and even guinea pigs wouldn't have been fooled. It fooled one good natured dog who wanted a hug.

Poor dog, he just wanted some attention.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Yes you are right. The mannequin would have smelled of humans.

Aww! Silly doggy! Smiley4
It is one of those trusting dogs that accepts everyone, even plastic people.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Bessie wouldn't have fallen for it she was a smart little cookie.
I think it is only certain good natured trusting dogs that would fall for a mannequin. Most cats would not be fooled. The smart ones like Bessie would have known the moment they walked into the room.
They might sit on the mannequin just to annoy us, but they would not be fooled.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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