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Unfortunately I have two posts on the Rainbow Bridge today. The same day I found out Chester had died I later found my Betta Fish Midnight had died.
A few months ago I found Midnight with what most call the dropsys. The dropsys are caused by dry fish food swelling in the fishes belly. Basically their swim bladder swells and it can causes them to either float or drop like a rock to the bottom of their tank unable to do much about it. Midnight had the better of the two (since they need to breathe air). He kept rocketing to the top. He had a rock that had two openings and would hide under when he was able to. I gave him daphnia. He ate it. It's suppose to help get things moving in his digestive system. He made it through the night and was normal by the next morning. Unfortunately once that happens it can lead to complications down the road and often leads to a shorter life span. I'm thinking that Monday was the complications. The only things is I never saw any indication that anything was even wrong. I just found him almost gone and when I scooped him out into a smaller container he was gone. It was weird. I had cleaned his tank a couple days before and he had been getting fed the daphnia regularly. Nothing drastic happened on that day and he had been fine the night before. The only thing I noticed was that he wasn't eating all his food but he was eating.

Midnight was a Black Crowntail Betta one of the more rare bettas. He was a good little guy. It's hard to get really attached to a fish because you can't do much with them but Midnight had a way about him. Anytime I walked into the room he would go crazy swimming all over his tank. He would follow me as much as his tank would allow. like he could see me. It was funny to watch. And of course food was his favorite. He would attack it spit it out and then attack it again until he would finally eat it.
I am so sorry. I know Midnight was a special fish. You can get very attached to fish and you are really going to miss his presence in your day. It is amazing how so small a creature who could not share your environment could be so much a part of your life. For a little fish he cast a big shadow.Heart
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Sorry to hear about your dear Midnight...

Are there fish in Heaven? You bet there are! There are loads of them! And now there's one more...
Heart It is our deeds, the accumulated acts of goodness and kindness that define us and ultimately are the true measure of our worth. Service is the coin of the spirit.Heart
I am sorry little Midnight passed away.
My husband became very attached to a fish, he called "Little George." When the little thing died, he really cried. Little George was his buddy. I would like to think they are now re-united.
I never thought about fish crossing the Rainbow Bridge. I guess all our beloved fish are there waiting for us.

Midnight will be missed, but he will be in good company on the other side. Swim free little fish, but remember those you leave behind.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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