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Two Monarch Butterfly activists found dead
Gomez Gonzalez has worked tirelessly to save the forests that are the wintering grounds of the Monarch Butterfly. He has even lead tree planting to restore more of the forest. Opposing him are loggers who want to cut down the trees and destroy the ecosystem. 
He has been missing and now his body has been found dead.

It hasn't been proven yet that his death is suspicious, but activists have been under threat. He was one of the most outspoken and the most eloquent. This has consequences for the whole future of the monarch butterflies. Will environmental activists be able to protect the forests without him? 

In the mean time, he is missed by many. If the monarch butterflies have survived and increased in numbers he is one of the reasons why. His death is tragic, but the millions of monarch butterflies tell us it was not for nothing.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

A second activist has been found dead. That means two key people who were working to protect the monarch butterflies and their wintering grounds, have now been found dead. Both had signs of violence.

It is a brutal world sometimes and sometimes people put making money ahead of everything. Certainly the people behind the killings are acting out of greed. Because of that the world has lost two selfless individuals who put protecting the Monarch Butterflies before protecting their own lives. When the Monarchs come back to Canada this year, I will remember Homero Gomez and 
Raul Hernandez and in my heart I will thank them for the gift of the monarch butterflies. I am sorry they paid such a high price.
I will try to always cherish the gift and do my part to help the monarchs in the summer part of their journey.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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