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video of snake drinking from a glass
I never get tired of watching snakes drink. It is so cute the way they do it.  It is even cuter to watch a snake drink from a glass.

The only thing cuter than a snake drinking is a snake yawning.  They put their whole face into it and yes it is just as infectious as any other yawn.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

That's interesting as I wanted to describe a snake's behaviour. Our chicken run attracts mice and so a brown snake arrived (Australian, one of most deadly) and I came across it outside the fence, from behind. It stopped and turned its head sideways and opened wide like at the dentist, to show its fatal fangs to me.  We both stayed still and the snake seemed to say "you can see what I've got, are you some kind of nut?" It turned the opposite way and moved its head back toward me and eye-balled me "you stupid, eh?". It edged forward, death in the air so I stepped back 1 pace. OK he said and slowly went back to his business of smelling for mice, ignoring me.

They have little heads and small brains but do they have personality and street smarts!
Welcome to the forum. That must have been interesting to be that close to a brown snake. He knows he is poisonous and you know he is poisonous. He just wanted to be left alone. Snakes are pretty basic. If you don't bother him, he would be happy to keep your mouse problem under control.

How big was he?
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


He/she was around 4ft of the maximum 7ft size. My wife saw one climb through the bedroom window's torn fly-screen and explore around the bed.  I really didn't want it to get agitated or hidden so it was goodbye as it sat there with a spade descending (we live 1/2 hour drive from town and the snake catcher).   Another time I was weeding in long grass and there was a small, brown head watching my hand go back and forth.  I went in the house feeling a bit shaken...(so was a medic I told the story to later on).
Maybe you need secure screens so things like snakes cannot get into your home. Here the worst that could happen is a raccoon getting into my kitchen and eating my peanut butter. You have some seriously poisonous animals. You can safely get along with them if you secure your home so they can't get in.
Snakes have an important place in the ecosystems of the world. It is up to us to make it work since we are on their land.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Indeed, and I repaired the screen. Reduced the mice. We keep the cats in at night to protect birds. They found an 85ft dinosaur which could pose problems.
I heard about the dinosaur. I think this is the one.

It sounds amazing and very large.
It is an incredible find. If there is one there will be others. Australia my take the record for the largest dinosaur.
I can't wait to see the skeleton assembled.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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