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Beaufort Hunt Hounds shot
An undercover video shows one of the Beaufort Hunt Hounds being shot, then hauled away in a wheelbarrow. Every year many of them are shot for various reason. 
It is estimated that 7000 hounds are killed each year. They are a byproduct of the fox hunts. Only the best dogs are kept for hunting. The extras who don't perform as well are disposed of, just like the greyhounds who fail to run well enough.

There is a real pattern in the way dogs are used by some groups. They keep many animals and any that fail to meet a standard are killed.
Little effort is made to rehome these hounds. It is cheaper and faster to get rid of them.  The hunting is cruel and the dogs are trained to do it. Then they are cruelly killed.  What I saw in the video did not look like humane euthanasia of an injured animal. 

Sports that are built on cruelty like this always seem to end up treating their own animals cruelly. There is no doubt that things like fox hunting should be banned, for the foxes sake and for the sake of the dogs. Both animals suffer because of the hunt.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Truly appalling, but sadly not surprising. The " huntin' shootin' " brigade are a nasty, cruel, lot.

Whilst the current Johnson Government is in power, there is unfortunately a zero chance of fox hunting being totally abolished. See:

The only point of hope is that Johnson's third (!) wife is a great animal lover and seems to be holding him back. Meanwhile, the cruel killing of unwanted hounds goes on....
After reading the article I have to ask, how did that man become Prime Minister?
He seems like a most peculiar man with some very disturbing ideas. 
Of course I find all the hunters to be disturbing people. I guess we shouldn't be surprised that they shoot their own dogs. 

Let us hope that Johnson's third wife can have some influence over him.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Full-on fox hunting would probably have been reintroduced if it weren't for his third wife. This article is from 2019, but it shows her "behind the scenes" moderating influence on Johnson and his perverted admiration for fox killing:
I am glad there is someone who is a good influence.
Why would any party consider bringing back fox hunting. It is like taking the country into the dark ages. 
They should be looking into protecting more animals, especially the hounds that are used for hunting. It is not their fault they have been used in animal cruelty for so long.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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