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Sweetie xxx
Sadly, a week and a half after Captain Barnacles died, Sweetie, my daughters hamster, passed away yesterday.

Sweetie was the most active and energetic hamster ever. She was forever trying to break out of her cages. She got through a total of 4 cages in her lifetime as she totally destroyed 3 of them. We even nicknamed her Sweetie the Destroyer. She was always swinging from the bars at the top of her latest cage. She did manage to escape twice and I think she was very proud of doing that.

She was the opposite to the Captain, whereas he would sleep all day and come out on a night, she would come out during the day as well as the night. Will miss her a lot. Even now I keep looking at her empty cage hoping to see her sitting there waiting for her slice of cucumber. RIP little lady xx

Sweetie - Jan 2012-June 2014

[Image: DSC02229_zps026c2e79.jpg]
I am so sorry for your loss. You must miss her so much. We have enjoyed the tales of Sweetie the Destroyer. She has a place in our hearts forever.
Sweetie was a remarkable hamster and she had a most interesting life with you. I remember her escapes and cage destruction and all her other antics. No doubt she will liven things up on the other side of the Rainbow bridge.

She was your daughter's hamster wasn't she. She must be very upset by the loss. My sympathies to all of you.

I know how it is too look at an empty cage. It is hard to clean it out for the last time.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I'm so sorry to hear this.

RIP Dear Sweetie.
Greeting from Wales.
Hwyl Fawr o'r Cymru.
This is the web site of the rescue I volunteer at.
So sorry to hear Sweetie has passed on. Times like these are so tough to get through. My sympathies go out to both you and your daughter. One day you will all be together again and this time it will be forever.
[Image: m0223.gif] Come join the fun! [Image: m0218.gif]
We all wish we could help somehow. Think of us all as sending you a big hug. I hope things go well in the days ahead.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Thanks everyone. I finally moved her cage out, it had to be done because every time I came into the room I was looking in the cage for her, or checking her food dish wasn't empty. My daughter was upset but we managed to soften the blow with good news about something else which helped. My son wasn't really paying attention because a couple of days later when we were talking about Sweetie dying, he suddenly said "Sweetie's dead??" But, he didn't get upset like last time.
It sounds like he is 'coming to terms' with Sweetie's passing in his own way.

I know what you mean about checking the cage and looking to see if her food bowl needed refilling. After Misty left, I was still bringing her water bowl into the living room each evening, as I had done for many years. It takes a while to adjust to them not being physically there, and to get used to new routines without them.
I have done that kind of thing. I have rushed home to care for a pet and then remembered that he was already gone.
Caregiving gets to be a habit and it is hard to break.

Putting the cage away helps. I am glad your son is handling it well.
Good thing you had something to distract your daughter with.

We are all going to miss stories about Sweetie. She was one special hamster.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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