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Please help Becas to walk again
I shall make the donation to your appeal fund, amp.

I am sorry about the delay. It was caused by an alteration in our administration policies -as we have now decided that in all appeals for funds, donations will be made directly to the vets involved in treatments. We have been considering this change in policy for some time, as it would still help anyone who is genuinely trying to get assistance for their pet -but it would prevent any of our members becoming involved in internet scams.
I didn't want to break our new ruling.

I do hope you understand.

So amidst all these changes on our forum, there were some delays. In Becas' case I am personally happy about giving to her appeal fund.

Bless her, she is a lovely girl. And bless you for doing all you can to help her! I hope she will soon recover, with expert help. I am sure the physiotherapy and water therapy etc will help her tremendously.

I shall also put your appeal on Twitter, and hope that will do some more good for her cause.

I would love to know how she is doing. So if you have time, please do update us. I feel quite fond of Becas already! Smile
I hope this all works out for you. Please be patient with us. It is not personal. Forums as public sites are constantly being approached by scammers. We needed to find a way to let you be helped without opening up the Forum to others who are not honest.

If we didn't have rules and guidelines we would run into all kinds of problems.

I do hope Becas does well and recovers.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Thank you Tobi and Catherine for all your support.

Becas have had her 3rd phyioterapy session, and for now we have not seen nothing diferent in her condition.
We have to be patient and hope for the best.

Let me tell you Becas story ...

My dog entered in my life twelve years ago 16th of May 2002.
It was late night when a neighbor brought us a box with five little puppies running out of life. She found them in a paint can next to the garbage can at the street . There were more puppies but she only brought the ones that were still alive.
Only one puppy survived the night in my home. I named her Becas.
She was in bad shape urinating blood.
I cleaned her and realized that the blood in the urine was from a bunch of worms that were eating her vagina . After I cleaned it all out of there she started to improve to the point that she was a happy hungry puppy.
She grew fast till the point that she was 70 pounds … a lot more than we expected because we live in an apartment. Still we kept her in our lives although we had other dog and a cat both also taken from the streets.
She’s the type of dog that anyone would love to have in their life. She is so loving and affectionate. She doesn’t know that she’s a dog. She looks in the deep of my eyes and talk to me. She is a special dog.
Now she is old and have Cushing syndrome and because of that she’s over weight having 90 pounds. The legs ligaments are giving away and she have been under two surgeries in the last year for replacing the ligaments ... but this part you all know.
Thank you all and god bless you and your pets.
What a beautiful story. So sad for the other puppies, but you saved the one that you could and gave her a wonderful life. I hope her treatments help her to improve. It does take time with physiotherapy.

We all wish you many more years with Becas and we hope she improves and grows strong again.
Thank-you for sharing her story with us.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Bless you and Becas. I too, saw something very loving in her face. I thought "That is a lovely Soul."
Poor girl....she has Cushing's as well...that is no fun for her. With Cushing's, they tend to put weight on around their middle, and there's very little can be done to stop it. It is a slow process, with physiotherapy, but it will be good for her, and give her the chance to get some strength back in her legs.
She loves you very much, it is obvious in her face as she looks at the camera.
Give her a kiss from me.

Blessings to her, and to all your other animals whom you rescued from certain death in that paint can, just dumped like trash.

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