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One Dog at a Time
Okay I am now doing a plug for Pen Farthing, and his book "One Dog at a Time -Saving the Strays of Helmand (Afghanistan)".

Pen Farthing was a sergeant in the Royal Marines, deployed to Helmand Afghanistan. While engaging with the Taliban, and living in a pretty rudimentary military compound near Now Zad, he met and supported local stray dogs, and ended up with 5 adult dogs -one an ex-fighting dog (who became his best mate)-and 14 puppies all in a 'run' inside the compound. At least they were safer than they would be outside.

Then he knew he couldn't abandon them. The book gives a nitty-gritty account of life in the camp -and not without humour. It also explores the complexities and dramas of getting a dog to the safety of a rescue centre near Kabul.....and from there, hopefully to the UK....

where it appears it is only available in hardcover or paperback.

But on Amazon UK it is available also on Kindle (plus other options)

I loved this book and gave it 5 stars. It is dotted with grammatical errors in narrative (not dialogue), even though it is a Random House publication! (Don't RH employ editors/proofreaders?) All that doesn't matter one bit. I was much too moved to nit-pick it in the end.

Pen Farthing's experiences inspired him to help others in a similar position, and found the charity "Nowzad Dogs" which gives assistance to soldiers who have befriended Afghan strays, and wish to get them out of the country. Well, mostly dogs, but some cats too.
That sounds like a must read. I am glad some good came out of their time in Afghanistan. It was a rough time for many of the soldiers. I suppose because of the war there are many strays. Being able to help them would at least give a soldier some sense of having done something.
I am going to check out Canadian sources of the book before I check out the UK sites.

The Kindle format needs an actual Kindle reader doesn't it. I have an Ebook, but not a Kindle.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Catherine, there are two possibilities if you don't have a Kindle:

You can download a Kindle Reader for your computer - see and then read the book on the screen of your computer (in which case pictures are usually in colour)


You can download a program to convert the Kindle file to another format for your ebook - e.g. Calibre - see

Hope that helps. It is often possible to buy books from Amazon in Kindle form at a fraction of the price of a "real" book. The file format just needs to be changed if you have a different type of ebook reader.
Tobi, that looks like a great book!
Downloading the free Kindle reader for pc is really easy. I have one -as I don't have a Kindle gadget. Then when it is set up, it only takes seconds for the book to come through to your 'library' on the kindle reader.
A word of warning though (LOL!) It is TOO easy to buy and download books! A little discipline is required!

This is the link to the free PC Kindle reader which you might like Catherine -if not for this particular book, then maybe for others....
It looks like I have some downloading to do. I would like to read One Dog at a Time. We had a lot of Canadian Soldiers in Afghanistan and it would be good to read about what it is like while I am reading a rescue book. We all love rescue stories.

If I have time I will do it tonight, If not it might be Wednesday.
I had to feed all the baby snakes today and clean them. Most of them are ready to go or almost ready. I still have to feed and clean the piggies. Life is busy.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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