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2015 Bird Count
I have never heard of a bird riding the back of a Red Tailed Hawk. Do you have any idea what kind of bird? I am going to watch and see if I can see it happen. We have a number of breeding pairs in Toronto, but they are usually way up there circling. This was the best I have ever seen one.
We also have Kestrels and Peregrine Falcons. I am really going to try to see them this year.

I wish my camera was with me today, but there wouldn't have been time to take a picture anyhow. Sometimes you just have to enjoy the moment.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

You are right about the red winged black birds. I have seen them go after a Red tailed hawk. I have seen crows go after a hawk too. The western king birds don't range this far east. The red tailed hawks range from the west coast to the east coast, but they do not go to far north.

We do get bald eagles. They are wintering further south right now, but they will be back. As you can guess we do not have a lot of birds here over the winter. There are many more than I have seen so far, but not as many as we have in summer.

Interestingly, some birds spend winter south of here and nest north of here and they are only seen during migration periods. That is an exciting time. You never know what you might see or when you might see it.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Not bad for a day where you didn't plan to bird watch. I am still mostly seeing starlings, pigeons and sparrows. I have been seeing a white winged gull(underside of wings), but until I see it land I can't identify it.

I did see and African grey Parrot, but it was on someone's shoulder. I think it was too cold to have an African Grey outside. Nonetheless, I did see a parrot outside. If I see an escaped or acclimatized parrot or budgie, I am going to count it.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Finally some new birds!

I saw a Blue jay(10). They are total characters. They stay around all winter, but they do not stay in one place.
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRR3mkoi0vkSFU4ixQUdWo...m0OOnBp__Q]
This is a typical Blue Jay picture. They do love peanuts.

I saw a whole flock of Mallard Ducks(11) along the river bank. They were coming up the hill because someone was feeding them. They are short and fat and so much fun to watch.
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRU4QbOIsNNHMSIeVlGt-j...QGntdeO2rw]
This is a typical river bank scene right now. I don't know where they have been hiding these past weeks, but they are around now.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I saw a whole flock of Black Capped Chickadees(12).
They were so full of energy and chittering to each other.

I might have a picture, but I have to load the pictures onto the computer and then upload then. Tomorrow.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Wow! You are seeing some interesting birds.

I am starting to see birds flying by that look different. I am sure I will be able to identify them soon enough.

Our North American Robins will be back soon.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I don't think the Anhingas come this far north. They are beautiful so I wish they would. I will watch though.

We do have similar species. I guess every niche requires a bird of a certain type. There are only so many ways a duck can develop and still be a duck.

I am surrounded by Rock Doves. They have adapted to city life very well. They are smart enough to go inside our subways system to get warm. They nest on every building they can find a way to use. In some ways I admire them although they can be a bit of a pest.

Our prairies chickens are impressive. I love the Ptarmigans. I have seen them in the Rocky Mountains. They change colour in winter and they are hard to see until they move. That means they don't fly off and you can get quite close. They seem to think they are invisible.Smiley4

We are having another storm so I am seeing few birds of any kind.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I've been slack and not writing anything down. Not that I've really seen anything noteworthy. Not even a European goldfinch yet.

Must have been Feb 2 cuz that's when my sister was over.
62. Little pied cormorant
We are cold and stormy so I am not even seeing pigeons. I don't know where the birds go when the weather is like this, but I am going days with nothing. I assume they hang around backyard feeders and don't fly much.
The weather has to improve soon. Feb. must be a bad bird month if you haven't seen many birds either.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Feb 21.
63. Grey butcherbird

March 5
64. Brown goshawk

March 7
65. Black swan

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