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K9 Basketball Star!
Air Bud....full movie.

A dog movie from Disney about a K9 basketball star named Buddy. I just watched this and enjoyed every minute (silly me!)Smiley4
I had forgotten about this movie. I don't think I have ever seen it, just little bits. So I didn't really need to sleep tonight. Now that I have started watching it I wont be able to stop. Good thing I have some popcorn handy.

I am just going to feed the guinea pigs and come back to the movie.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Oh goody! You got time to watch a full movie. Sleep is over-rated.....
Pass the popcorn.....I am sleepless also tonight for no logical reason. Unfortunately I won't feel so sleepless at 8am.....blahh! Popcorn is just what I would like right now!
Sleep is over rated. I am not a basketball fan, but I do love Golden Retrievers.
I ate a full bowl of popcorn and enjoyed myself very much. I love how he figured out how to get into the house each night.

It was worth staying up for.Heart
Now I am wide awake.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Well after watching Air Bud, I have got a feeling for how basketball operates, and the team work etc! And felt like having a go at it! But of course I would rather play with a Golden Retriever on my side!

We played "Netball" when I was at school, but that was always in freezing cold weather, and in a muddy field. It is similar to basketball I think. I was never a hot-shot striker! (Wish we could have played it in a dry place! lol)
I enjoyed the basketball because the dog was playing. I am 5 ft tall. I don't really relate to a sport that is filled with people over 6 ft.Smiley4

I looked up Netball. I was derived from the early versions of basketball. It was a Canadian who created basketball.

Netball is supposed to be played indoors where it is warm and dry. Outside in the cold must have been nasty.

We used to play soccer(football) outside in the snowdrifts when I was in school. We kept losing the ball. It was hard to play with all our heavy winter clothes and it was so cold it was no fun. None of us went on to play soccer later.

I would think a dog could be good at soccer too.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Yes many basketball players are very tall and lanky. But I guess that doesn't matter if you are a Golden Retriever Smiley4 (with a very very tough nose! lol)

I didn't end up 6ft tall either and instead am 5ft 2. But I had very springy legs! haha
Yes it was horrible in that muddy field. I had an inkling netball should be played inside. Not only that, but we had to wear shorts in winter when doing games or athletics Sad

I always thought you were a tall person, Catherine. You seem so in your pictures.
Quote:I always thought you were a tall person, Catherine. You seem so in your pictures.
They say I am tall for my height.
Actually it is true. I stand tall and act tall. Some of it is attitude.

You played netball out side in the wet and cold in shorts! That is just cruelty to children. At least we wore winter coats. Of course Manitoba in the winter can be -30C and colder so shorts were never an option.

Now we over protect children and we are scared to let them play at all.

At least the dogs still have fun.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Yes sometimes it would be frosty and icy, and below freezing but never -30!
Being at school was like being in the army....but they were very generous and kind to us when it came to those hot school dinners. Beautiful! With pudding and custard too!

I was glad I wasn't a dog. A dog would have got dog chow with a portion of kibble on the side.
Anything below -10 is nasty.

I never thought about it, but you are right, school is like the army.
You guys got hot meals! Wow! I took sandwiches to school everyday for 12 years. Somehow I just don't really like sandwiches anymore.

Being a dog then was not so good. Now however it is all different. You should see the designer dog foods they make. There are all fish with real salmon. There are duck and turkey based. Some are gluten free. I am sure there is even a vegan form of dog food. They look good and smell good. This is a great time to be a dog.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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