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Claire wears the pants
So those of you who don't know I have 3 leopard geckos. Jack I've had almost 2 years now and he's about 2.5 years Charlie I got early March last year he's about 1.5 and Claire I got in late March I don't know how old she is but I'd guess about 2. I kept them all separated for about 90 days and then once I felt they weren't showing signs of being sick I put Charlie and Claire together in a new clean tank (neutral ground so they didn't feel possessive of anything). When Charlie saw Claire is was love at first sight. He was wiggling his tail and smelling her all over. Claire on the other hand just wanted to hide and didn't much care who was around her. After some time Claire really got to like Charlie and I see them cuddling all the time now.

Recently though I think I accidentally waited a couple days too long to feed them and as soon as the food was in site Claire was bulling Charlie and nipping at him. They are fine now that they've eaten a few meals. Snuggling like always. And I made sure they have 2 bowls out of site of each other again. But I think it's funny how Claire, the smaller of the 2, is beating up on the big boy and dominating him. From what I've read it's usually the bigger Leopard Gecko that is the dominate one. Apparently Charlie is just a laid back kinda guy his motto is anything his woman wants she can have.

Jack is still my lone man. I had a mate for him but Kate died back in November because she got real sick. I want to try and get some babies from Claire and maybe if I get a girl I can put her with Jack eventually. I don't really want to go looking for one but there is a reptile show coming up and I just might end up bringing one home anyway. Maybe even a snake. My Boyfriend wants one so bad.
I had an egg from Claire back in October but I didn't see it until it was already dried up Sad
Aww! Another tale of a henpecked hubby! Like my dog Misty and her mate, Jet, back in the old days. Though thank goodness it never got to the stage where she tried to actually EAT bits of Jet!
Maybe Charlie has such a crush on her she can even bite little bits off him and he won't mind! It is funny but it's touching too.
I have noticed that the female reptiles dominate. The guys really have to court their ladies and be nice to them.

I am glad that Charlie and Claire are happy together. Poor Jack, all alone poor little man. If you see a nice female at the reptile show I am sure you will know what to do. If not, you could hatch an egg or two and grow your own female. Reptile shows often have a nice choice of animals at good prices.

You might find a nice snake. Lots of breeders bring good stock to a show.

You might get some food at good prices. I wouldn't dare go to a reptile show. I took no money and I still came home with two new reptiles. This fall I didn't go and I ended up with a baby hognose snake from the expo. Someone bought it and realized that they couldn't keep it so I bought it from them. Have fun at the show.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

They like to change the date a lot so hopefully they will pin a date and stick with it so I can ask off.

I'll look for a girl for him but right now any girl I look at will really have to impress me as far as temperament. I love all my babies but honestly had I gotten to hold and see Kate and Claire before hand I probably would not have chosen them. My boys have the perfect temperament. They let me hold them for any length of time and are laid back. but Claire I can't even pick up for a few seconds before she starts squealing, nipping, and peeing on me. I didn't know Geckos could make sounds until I got her. Kate wasn't as dramatic she just wiggled but she wasn't much better.

I got Charlie at the reptile show last year so I really want to go back and see if I can find another good one like him. He's so deiifernt to with him purple-brown coloring. I want to find one that would match Jack's coloring so I could get some pretty babies. But I also want one I can handle and not worry about dropping her cause she won't hold still.
Geckos can make noises. So can some of the skinks. I found that out when my first skink made noises at me. Sometimes at night my lizards call to each other. It is like being in a jungle because they are in different tanks so the sound is all around me.

It is better if you can handle a reptile before you get it. Leopard Geckos are usually very easy to handle and they get quite tame. It is too bad that your girls were not friendly. Jack deserves a gentle, pretty girl. I am sure you will find one. Reptile shows always have Leopard Geckos. I think they are the most popular lizard.

You can even get two females. Jack could live with two girls and he would be fine. Maybe another girl would change the mood with Claire. She sounds like she is quite dominant.
Let me know what else you see at the show.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I'll be sure to take pictures. It's not until March 21-22. A couple of my friends usually work it too so I'll be hanging out for a while. Last year that's where my boyfriend slipped and told me he loves me. We're making it tradition to go now.
Let me know what you see. You and your boyfriend should have fun.
If that is where he told you he loves you, then you are well suited to each other.

Maybe he will find a snake that he likes. I am sure you will see some really nice leopard geckos.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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