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Parrot taking a shower.
It might be a little messy, but the bird has learned how to keep clean just the way she likes it.

I wonder how often she does this? It could get messy.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

This really had me laughing out loud! The human turns the water pressure down to reduce the splashing....and the bird turns it back up again! Hilarious, but also shows the intelligence that these noble birds have.
Parrots are way smarter than we think. I know people who have trouble with that type of tap.(It is the same as the one I have)
It was a good laugh wasn't it. Smiley4
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

She does prefer a power shower. Clever girl!

They must have a very wet kitchen depending on how often she likes to shower! LOL

What fun to watch, and what a lovely colour she is.
That is too cute!! She know what she likes.
Parrots don't take no for an answer either. She wants a high powered shower and she means to get it.Smiley4
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

How sweet!
Heart It is our deeds, the accumulated acts of goodness and kindness that define us and ultimately are the true measure of our worth. Service is the coin of the spirit.Heart
It would be entertaining to live with a parrot like that.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I got to live with a salmon crested cockatoo for a month a couple years ago and almost bought her off my roommate but there were some disagreements and I didn't get her. We made up and I almost got her last month but I felt I couldn't give her the room she needed where I am and she found someone else to take her. But she was a hoot. I loved her so much. I was one of the few she would tolerate and I would let her have free roam of the house when I was alone with her. I have videos of her looking at herself in my camera. I'll need to upload those to youtube when I get a chance in the next couple of days. She starts and stops the camera with her tongue and just stares at herself. Its cute.
Cockatoos are remarkable birds. They are so clever. I could picture the bird looking at his own image in the camera. You would have had an interesting life if you had gotten the bird. They live a long time and they are not easy to rehome. It is more like an adoption.
Who knows, you may yet end up with the bird.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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