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Worried about Earl
Earl looked particularly bad this morning and I wondered if the time had come, but tonight he is curled up with Caitrin and looks more comfortable.
It is sad to see a big beautiful creature waste away like this. Cancer is so cruel.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

You know what? Sometimes these things have different 'levels' to them, and what we see on the outside is not exactly what's happening. Earl may be drifting slowly into the next world in his own time, and partly detached from what's going on in some ways. I have heard the Soul can sometimes leave the body when things get rough. He is finding his last few weeks on Earth a gentle experience perhaps?

But is there any option for pain control with a snake? What is the safest thing you could use if you feel it's needed? I wouldn't have a clue....
I don't think there is anything he can take for pain. Snakes do not medicate very well. He seemed unsettled yesterday so he may have been in pain, but he was quiet later. He is mostly fading because I don't think he can eat. Reptiles go long periods without food anyhow, but in this case he is getting very thin very fast.

I hope he can pass naturally in his own home. However I am going to look around for options. I might not be able to leave him, it might not be the kind thing to do. I am just trying to read his body language and sense how he is feeling. I think when he is relaxed he is comfortable.

Snakes are a little harder to communicate with. I do check on him many times a day, so he knows I am near. It is the best I can do.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

It is bound to give him some comfort to see you. They seem to know when we are trying to help them, and are concerned.
Earl is curled up on my lap right now and he seems comfortable. Being held seems to relax him. If I can comfort him and he can be comfortable with me then we are okay, at least for now.
Other than that, I can only take things one day at a time.
It is sad to see a big healthy guy like Earl become so weak and thin and frail. I stopped taking his picture a while ago. I have beautiful pictures from his healthy days. There is no need to record his ending. I am not going to forget it.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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