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Rescuing dogs from Yu Lin
So much is needed, but at least the animals are safe and fed.

You are right, she needs some help. I wonder if they could organize volunteers for her. It is too much for one person to do.

She would be able to do so much if she even had basic medical supplies. I wonder if vets or drug companies could send her some stuff. It would be a great place for a new vet to get some experience.
Even a vet tech could do basic first aid.

It would be good if the dogs could be shipped to other places where they could find homes. Of course some of the dogs are so scared they might have trouble being pets.
It would be great if there was a small farm where the dogs had room and sunshine and the calm of the countryside.

I hope there are more funds to keep up the work.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I think a volunteer team from the "No to Dog Meat" charity is supposed to be going out there, although I don't know when. The charity say that there will be an update when that happens, showing photos and videos to show how the donated money has been spent.
That was mentioned on the donation page:

It may take a couple of weeks or so to organise I suppose.

It is great that "No to Dog Meat" is helping Mrs Yang. But in order to keep funding on-going someone may need to set her up independently as a rescue charity. Even without Yulin, she seems to be rescuing strays and abandoned dogs in her local area.
They have done a fabulous job of fundraising. The money plus some volunteers can really help Mrs. Yang. She is doing the best she can on her own, but with help she could do so much more.

Setting her up as a rescue charity could give her work permanence that would out live her. It is incredible to think of an actual shelter/rescue operating in a place that kills and eats dogs. It is a tremendous step forward.

I look forward to hearing about all the work they are doing.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

A recent post from Peter Egan's Facebook page (Peter Egan is the UK ambassador for "Animals Asia.") :

And the video about Mrs Xiaoyun. The video is in Chinese, so Peter Egan's post clarifies what it is about. It is helpful for non-Chinese speakers if the post is read as a guide to the video.

Unfortunately in the last 24 hours I have discovered some 'dirt being dished' about the "No to Dog Meat Foundation". I have no clear idea of the actual facts as what I read is complicated and confusing, but it seems that many, including Peter Egan are unsure about NTDM's motives....

Almost £80,000 has been raised for her. Receipts have been posted by a member of No to Dog Meat on Facebook. But these show small sums. Many are concerned now that Mrs Yang is not getting the help promised to her, and that all is not as it should be....
But I am unsure of all the characters concerned, and don't know how much of this is personal vendetta, and how much is truth.
The only thing that matters amidst all the squabbling -is that Mrs Yang should get most of that money donated! She and the dogs are in dire need of it!

It appears that No to Dog Meat have been wiring money to Mrs Yang's bank, in $2000 dollar daily payments, as they were advised by Western Union not to send larger amounts at once. There are photos of the receipts and transactions. I shall keep a close eye on how much is sent.
Because we are so far away we may not be able to get all the details straight. Clearly Mrs. Yang is rescuing dogs. She needs all the help she can get. Even though the conditions the dogs are in is not the best, it is still much better then where they were.

The No To Dog Meat group is doing work as well. People criticizing them may just be trying to discredit them because of the effect they are having.
They have raised money for Mrs. Yang. I can understand that they cannot send all the money at once. There may be banking regulations about the transfer of funds. It also might not be safe to give Mrs. Yang that much money at once. It might make her a target for thieves.

I am going to assume that most people are doing what they can to help the animals. Clearly more help is needed. I hope they find a way to move the animals to places where they can find homes. That would be the best help ever. Then Mrs. Yang could spend her time with the ones that can't be moved.
She needs a vet team to come in an vaccinate and sterilize the animals and treat their injuries. Are there any vets out there who want to do some good and gain some intense experience?
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Most of the time I cannot understand arguments between humans. My late husband used to say I was 'too logical' (whetever that means, bless him) My brain is wired in a simple manner.

I too feel that No to Dog Meat have helped a lot and there are surrounding issues we can't understand here. The bank advise against sending huge sums of money at once.

I have seen 2 or 3 receipts. There is no reason to assume they are not genuine. And I applaud what the No to Dog Meat charity is doing.
However I have asked them to post all, and on-going receipts in an easy-to-access place (such as on their website, blog, or Mrs Yang's fundraising page) in order to present the situation in a transparent manner and silence those who say things against them, and to allay any issues people may have about whether the money raised is getting to Mrs Yang.

One should not have to trawl through peoples' facebook pages, going on a paper trail from one person to another in the midst of a lot of mud-slinging, in order to find photos of receipts. I can understand how busy they must be, but this issue is red-hot for many people.

As regards neutering the dogs....Mrs Yang is keeping females and males apart when females are 'in season'. That is as much as she can do right now. I have seen her giving injections so there must be some basic medical supplies. I very much doubt if general veterinary care is accessible though. But of course, a proper volunteer team would help tremendously.
You see things very clearly and logically. You recognize that the rescue groups must publish receipts. There must be transparency if people are going to continue to make donations.

The people who are actually in the midst of the rescue may not see the issue as important right now. They see dogs in trouble and in danger and all they can think about is saving them.

You are both right of course. I always see both sides of an issue at the same time. I can see the importance of receipts and records. I can also picture what is happening to the people who are physically there.

We just have to trust that they are in a bit of an emergency situation right now. They respect your request for receipts, but they may not be able to act on that right now.

The most urgent thing right now is saving dogs. Helping Mrs. Yang is part of that. She seems pretty smart and capable.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Thank you for your level headed approach Catherine. You are very right. I. personally do not see anything amiss with the administration. Have just received emails from "No to Dog Meat" and I think they are doing very well under great pressure right now.
I think the whole thing stirs up a lot of emotions, and many people are angry, and have nowhere to direct their anger. I think many people are frustrated and impatient, as there is an urge to help NOW! But these things take organisation and time.
Apart from all the above, there is the separate issue that Mrs. Yang lives in Communist China, where no doubt there are severe restrictions on private bank accounts. If her private account is suddenly credited with large sums from all over the world, there is a risk that her account might be frozen for investigation. She really needs a separate charity account (if such a thing is possible there).
Quote:Apart from all the above, there is the separate issue that Mrs. Yang lives in Communist China, where no doubt there are severe restrictions on private bank accounts. If her private account is suddenly credited with large sums from all over the world, there is a risk that her account might be frozen for investigation. She really needs a separate charity account (if such a thing is possible there).

Very good points! I hadn't thought about this aspect of things. It would be a problem to move a lot of money here. I can't imagine how things are done in China.

I think Mrs. Yang's work is big enough that it needs to be set up as a charity. I don't know about other countries, but I do know that it is no so easy to do that in Canada. There might be all kinds of complications. If they can get money to her in small amounts right now it might be for the best. Having supplies delivered might be even better, unless they have laws against accepting gifts.

You are right Tobi, people are very emotional about this. I just don't understand why they don't focus their anger at the people hurting the animals. They are the enemy.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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