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Tails of Triumph
Gosh! I remember pop tarts. I remember actually liking them! The problem was they were always heated to about 500 degrees centigrade for some reason, so it was tempting to burn your mouth if you were really hungry (which often did happen. I got blisters inside my mouth because I couldn't wait for them to cool down)
But then again..... Big Grin I would have eaten just about anything. Another thing we students often used to eat....savoury pancakes, which were usually heated in the same way, and goodness knows what they contained!

Sadly, the book is now finished. But I was very glad to read it. Those HSUS guys did a great job.
Don't you hate when you finish a really good book. You just want there to be more. Everything I have read about the animal rescues after Katrina tells of courageous people and brave animals.
I think this book is one of the best for telling the stories.

I had a book from the library a few years ago that showed pictures of the rescues. It was really moving to see how desperate the situation was and how much good people were able to do.

Any cat that would eat pop tarts was really desperate. When I finally got to try one, I didn't like it. It tasted like jam on cardboard. Maybe you need to be much younger to enjoy pop tarts.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

This sounds a wonderful book. I really must try and find it.
Greeting from Wales.
Hwyl Fawr o'r Cymru.
This is the web site of the rescue I volunteer at.
Here's a link to the Amazon UK site where the book is:

I's kind of expensive for a kindle book at £8.95. But it is a 300-page read, and a bit of a treat for a rainy dark evening!

Re: pop tarts, Catherine....yes jam on cardboard is a pretty good description! But considering I used to chew on paper tissues to stop hunger pangs when I was at school....jam on 500 degrees centigrade cardboard is a real treat! LOLOL!
When you put it in those terms, jam on cardboard is not so bad. Pop tarts are for the young. At our age we know better than to eat something like that.

I will look for a Canadian source of the book, as soon as I get a day off. The library might even get it fairly soon.

I imagine it is fairly expensive here, but it would be a great read.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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