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2015 Bird Count
I changed the setting on the web album they are stored in. Let me know if you can see them. Because I am looking at them from my computer I can see them no matter what.
I have to remember to watch the settings when I upload pictures.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Those were pictures from my phone. I tried to post them from my Picasa account directly. I will download them and them re-upload them and see if they work that way. I was hoping the cell phone pictures would be easier to post than the regular camera. The cell phone camera is with me when I see things that are interesting.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I looked Flame Robin up. It is a stunningly beautiful bird. There is no doubt, Australia beats the rest of the world for numbers and beauty of birds. Of course your other post about bird song explains why.

I am just seeing the same birds as usual, but they are feeding their fledgling babies in my yard so I get to see them.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Emus and Cockatoos! You do see some amazing birds. I can imagine how you felt when you saw the cockatoos.

You are going to have an amazing bird count this year.

All I am seeing is sparrows and starlings and I hear blue jays and cardinals.

I saw some little brown bats. They were flying at dusk, but they don't quite qualify as birds.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

26) Catbird

I actually saw a whole flock of them. About fifty birds flew into the yard where I was and swarmed around the feeder and the bird bath. Then they circled around the trees and circled around above us and then took off.
I have never seen a catbird and I have never seen any birds behave quite like that.
They are not a showy bird, but in a flock like that they are awesome.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

The Gray Catbird is a pretty bird.
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSJ9ovEhXUr8WUXKugD7pX...GJ2xGL6eBw]

I have never seen such a big flock. Of course with berries ripening and fall coming birds are starting to gather, even ones that don't migrate.
I wish I had a web cam on my yard. I have Mountain Ash berries and any day now they will be eaten, but I don't always get to see who was there. The Robins will be there for sure and last year I say a waxwing and a pine grosbeak. I hope I am as lucky this year.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

You are having a great year. It is only August and you are way past the hundred.
I still have the usual birds, but it is bird fest in my yard now that the Mountain ash berries are ripe. I planted trees that feed the birds and provide flowers for the bees.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

27) Downey Woodpecker.

They are a big beautiful bird and I saw a number of them in some large oak trees.
[Image: downy_01.jpg]

I have never seen a group of them before. That makes the sighting special.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

This is good year for you.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

They are all lovely birds! Smile

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