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Happy Birthday Rachael Carson
I am a day late, but we owe Rachael Carson so much that I still want to mention her.

I am posting the Wikipedia link because it has so much about her.

To sum it up, she wrote a book, Silent Spring, warning about the dangers of pesticide use. The book and Rachael's work is considered to have inspired the grassroots environmental movement. Without her, who knows where things would be. Getting DDT banned saved many birds from extinction.
(Of course many people are still against what she wrote, especially the chemical companies)

We owe her so much. She did not live a long life, but she had impact.
So Thanks Rachael. We still remember the good you did.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Blessings to this lady. I have heard of the book "Silent Spring" but am ashamed to say I haven't read it! I think it would interest me and am going to try and find the book.

You wrote a lovely tribute to her Catherine. Thank goodness for such people who blaze a trail for others.
She alerted the world to the dangers of pesticides before anyone else had even thought of it.

There is no doubt that she saved us. We were going down the road of disaster and she stopped us. We still have a mess to deal with, but things would be so much worse if we hadn't started to make changes when we did.

Silent Spring is a classic. No doubt some of the science and some of the issues are outdated, but it was way ahead of its time. It is still worth reading. I haven't looked at it in years. I wonder if I can still find a copy.
I hope you can get one. You could try a library. They might have books that are older. Do you have a library in your area?
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Thank you for the link. I read the first part again. I remember when the book first came out. I think I need to read it all again. We are struggling with the effects of the things Rachael warned us about.

She was way ahead of her time. Once in a while a person is born who is so perceptive that they seem to see the future. In this case her genius was to prevent that future from happening. I wish she could have lived to see how much her book has done to influence things for the better.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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