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Nutritional Information
I found that pecans are really really good for us.  Supposed to lower cholesterol and have many B vitamins.  I didn't know just how good they are for us before I read this:
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Here is some good nutritional information on quinoa:
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
Nutritional information on healthy herbs:
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
I am not used to eating pecans. I must get some and make them part of my diet.  They are a more southern nut so I have never cooked with them. I am sure I like them. I am used to walnuts because they grow here.

I still haven't done much with quinoa. It seems to be a real staple protein source. I should get the quinoa flour. I like to mix flours when I bake. It gives a better balanced nutrition and things have more interesting flavours.  I think I have a better idea how to use quinoa. It takes time to make a new food part of our regular diet.

I like using herbs. I think Thyme, Tarragon and Dill are my favourites, also Rosemary and Savoury. Thyme makes a fine tea that is very relaxing and mint settles the stomach. So does ginger, so I wonder how ginger and mint would taste together.

This year I plan to plant more herbs. I have Sage and Thyme in my garden, but my Tarragon did not make it. I have Savoury as well.
If it ever warms up I will see what made it through the winter and start planting. I agree that herbs are good for us.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I love the taste of pecans over walnuts but I like walnuts, too. We had snow yesterday, so I wonder if you did too Catherine. Your garden may have to wait awhile.
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
We are awaiting a major snow fall and yesterday was the coldest April 9 on record for our area.  I have tomato plants started and they need to go into the garden, but it is much too cold.

I need to be gardening. Instead I am doing total tank makeovers. I need to shift some reptiles anyhow(the baby beardies have outgrown their tank, almost). Two of my rainforest lizard tanks that sit side by side are now getting a little low in lizard numbers.
I am combining the lizard populations in the bigger of the two tanks. It makes sense and the lizards will be happier.

Then I am moving the crested geckoes and crocodile skinks to the vacated tank after I give it a thorough make over. Then the baby beardies can have their old tank. They are still too small for my big beardie tank so Jake Krinkle Snake can stay there for a while yet.

If it was warm I would be outside transplanting roses.  It is spring and I need to be rearranging something.
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I'm sorry that you are having such cold weather. Our snow has melted today and it's a pretty nice day. You sure have a big pet family. It's so good of you to take in the critters like you do!!
Some how there are always damaged pets that need homes and abandoned guinea pigs.
I take in what I know I can manage. Adding two more guinea pigs to the family didn't change much. That was an easy decision.

I can usually fit a small lizard into one of my pre-existing tanks. I maintain several terrariums and I have added lizards to them over the years. Some like Tarragon are gone now, but there is always another that needs a home. I just have to be sure that the conditions are right for the lizard and the lizard will not harm or be harmed by the other residents of the tank.  Most of them eat the same food. I wouldn't normally house a Knight Anole with the smaller Golden and Green Tree Skinks, but he is missing his back legs from the knee down and he is no threat.  Leo was put in with a larger chameleon who bit his feet off. The people didn't want him after that. It is their mistake, but they want no part of providing for him now that he is damaged. I have placed vines so he can climb using his front legs and sun himself. He is okay and the smaller lizards do not scare him. They like him so everyone is happy. I wish he would eat more, but he does eat.  Someone has to provide for the damaged ones. They deserve a chance at life.
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Yes, the damaged pets need care, too. I once got a hamster that had a big bite taken out of it by the other hamsters. So I made sure to purchase her right away so they would not kill her as they do that sometimes to the ones that are weaker.
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
I am glad you took that hamster. If she was damaged, then no one else would have bought her.  Her whole life would have been spent in a pet store.
Most people only want the perfect pets. 
I have had pet stores I deal with call and ask if I can take an animal that has been damaged. That is how I ended up with Pigbert.
He had neurological problems. They were subtle as a baby, but he soon couldn't walk. He had a full and happy life with me and the rest of the guinea pigs were very protective of him.

People don't know what they are missing. We get the best pets because we take the ones that really need us.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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