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Peta's "Behind the Leather" campaign
Peta has never been shy about exposing the truth about the way we treat animals.
They set up a Pop Up store showcasing exotic leather goods, but with the added twist of showing the reality behind those leathers.

The idea is good. The video is effective. I am pretty tough and I have watched all the videos, but this one unforgettable.
I think anyone who entered the store will never wear leather again, especially not the exotic skins. I think just seeing the video will have an impact.

They use props to show what lies beneath the leather goods. Maybe this is more effective than showing the animals being killed.
People tune that out.

If you don't want to watch the video at least read the article.

Sometimes you have to shock people to teach them. Peta certainly does that.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I am glad PETA are doing this. I was buying leather up until 2012! I had no idea what might lie behind the manufacture of those leather goods. I always thought the leather was a by-product of the meat industry, and the animals were killed suddenly and humanely after a life in the fields, and everything ran smoothly (as if that isn't bad enough!)
Yes I actually believed that. All my life.
Thank goodness for the internet or I might still believe that. And many of us are asleep, just like I was....
This is a good wake-up call, although a shock to many I am sure.

I can't watch the video any more as I happened to see a video in the past. Those images will remain with me as long as I live.
i gave up buying leather around the time I became vegetarian,

As I've said before I can't watch these kind of videos. Though the idea of PETA doing them is commendable.
This video is stunning. I hope it reaches people.

It makes sense to give up leather if you are giving up meat.  Have you had a hard time finding animal product alternatives?
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

No as there are lots of veggie "meat products" I often have veggie burgers and meatballs. They even have vegetarian chicken which I haven't tried.
Not using leather, fur trim, wool etc is the proper way to be vegetarian/vegan. I guess I had a blind spot of some kind back then which I am sorry about. Most things I bought were 2nd hand (from charity shops) and I would never buy anything like that new....but still.... In those days I had never seen any videos or read anything about what really happens.
So it does help a lot that these things are publicised.

Yes cathie, there are vegetarian chicken breasts! They are very nice but have to be cooked just right or they can be a bit dry. In silver foil, with some olive oil, or something nice like that is the best way to cook them I think -or in a casserole with gravy, so they don't lose their moisture. The smaller 'chicken' pieces are great for stir fries.
I still have boots that are probably leather. My purse is a cloth alternative. If I can get vegan boots next time I will. Until then I will use them until they really wear out.

I haven't tried any of the vegan meat alternatives yet. I will have to look for them. I think they would work for me.
I think a lot of people are tying to make changes and live better, more ethically.

Mostly people don't wear fur coats. I still see fur trim.

Regular leather is part of the food industry.
It is exotic leather that produced  like fur  from fur farms. The animals exist to be killed for their skins. I think reptiles have a worse time because they don't bother to kill them. They just skin them alive.

The whole system is sick and the less we are a part of it the better.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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