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Peta vs. the Running of the Bulls
Every year in Pamploma, Spain at this time the bulls are run through the streets and are later killed in the bull fights. We all know about this and I am sure we have signed petitions against it.

This year PETA is taking a direct approach. They are there in the streets protesting. They have one protester for each bull expected to die and they are being visually dramatic.

Who knows, maybe be this approach will reach people. Something needs to reach them. It is unacceptable that something like bull fights is still going on in the 21st century.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I hope the protest will help to get this cruel event stopped. It is unbelievable that we are still doing things like this!
It is pretty dramatic, but that might be what it takes to reach people.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Restricting money given by the EU to Spanish agriculture, by excluding finance for the growing of bulls expressly for bull running and fighting, would also help stop these cruel events. Unfortunately, the attempt to stop EU money being spent on breeding bulls for fighting seems to be mired down in bureaucracy (an EU speciality, LOL!). See

Back to the protests....
Bureaucracy will be what stops the money going to subsidized the bull fighting "industry", but it will be the protestors that give them a reason to stop the money.

Protestors tell the governments that people care. Petitions help too. It takes years to get rid of some things. It just seems bizarre that in the 21st century people still watch something like bull fighting.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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