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I have no idea where to buy Tahini, but I bet someone I know from India would know. I will have to call her and ask. She probably makes hummus. Hummus does have a fair amount of oil, but it is a good source and we do need some oil in our diet. I suppose I could vary how much I add.

I am still looking to see who sells bulk nuts. Regular grocery stores are too expensive. They don't really sell nuts as a product for cooking. They are almost like junk food because of all the salt and seasoning.

I know where to get good vegetables. That is a start.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Catherine, I just used Google and found these in Toronto:

Their websites look OK, but as the saying goes, "The proof of the pudding is in the eating", LOL!
My local Tesco store or Tesco online is good for all sorts of unprepared nuts. But they are not very cheap, that's all. It's a thought, that if you can't find something in your actual town, then ordering online and having it delivered is an option? I do that with many items I can't find here. Even Amazon deals with food items! The only problem is -if it needs signing for, as some things do, and some things don't. Also some things are free delivery if you spend over a certain amount, and that is never very high.
Those are both good sites, but farther from me than you think. I am down near the lake and both of them are out past the airport. Still the one site has recipes and might have local outlets. If I can get the use of a car(with a driver since I don't drive......funny story) I could do a bulk shop.
I am sure if I start looking there will be nut sources in my area. I already know where to get different types of flour and lentils. I suspect one of the bulk outlet stores like Costco sells big bags of nuts.

There is a new place in my work territory called bulk barn. I could check them out tomorrow.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

RE: the olive oil, it's usually drizzled over the hummus when it is served, but each to their own of course, as you said tahini is oily itself so it's up to you how much oil you want to use.

If you can't find tahini, super easy to make it yourself. It's only toasted sesame seeds and olive oil, or canola oil if you prefer
I would have to look for a source of toasted sesame seeds. I definitely think I will check out bulk barn tomorrow. They might have the sesame seeds of the tahini paste.

I think there is olive oil drizzled on the hummus I buy. They also add olives or nuts or red peppers. If I made my own I could make all kinds of flavours from one big batch.

That reminds me, I am out of dill so I should look for that as well.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

So, I went to the Bulk Barn. It is a store that sells everything in bulk, you bag it yourself. The prices are not bad, but the selection is amazing.

I have Tahini and I can make hummus. I could make a basic unseasoned hummus and season it as I serve it. That is what I do with my soup. I don't have olive oil, but I could try it without or I could get some.

I got a number of different kinds of nuts in the raw form. That will work for cooking. They had plain shredded coconut. I can't believe how much protein is in coconut. I bought some lentils and rice blends to try. There were many more, but I can try them on another trip.
I got rice flour and coconut flour.

So dinner was an interesting mix and I think a very healthy meat free choice. Even my salad had nuts so I am getting my protein. I will have peanut butter and toast later so my day is well balanced.

You would love this store. It is rows of bins filled with all kinds of good stuff. I am glad they opened one not too far from me.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I do eat meat but I occasionally cook a vegetarian meal,I've done a vegetarian lasagne which was very nice,we have large permanently built market in my suburb which is open four days a week they have a number of shops in there that sell a lot of that sort of thing,I used to walk around eating a bag of freshly roasted unsalted cashews,I also like roasted pumpkin seeds even though I don't eat pumpkin.
I think we are all trying to find a balance here. There is a wide range from totally vegan to eating meat free some days. I think it is good that we are not so dependant on meat. For a while there, meat was all we ate. Now we are eating more fruits and vegetables. We are recognizing that whole grains are good for us.

I think it is important that we think about what we eat and choose well. I eat meat some of the time, but I am wanting to have a more meatless diet. It is part of my choosing to eat better. It wouldn't be good if I gave up meat and lived on vegetarian junk food(I assume there is such a thing) I also need to eat less salt and sugar or at least I need to control the amount I eat.

I would love shopping at your market. If you can get raw cashews I would love it. They are the ultimate snack food.

Do you not like pumpkin or do you just not eat it. It is a bit of work to prepare, but I makes good soup and better pie. Pumpkin muffins and cake are good too. Next to squash it is my favourite vegetable. Spinach is my favourite green vegetable. The guinea pigs have taught me to love veggies.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Catherine, do you ever shop at the St. Lawrence Market in Toronto?

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