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Fireworks night! Music to calm animals
Tonight, all over the UK people will burn bonfires and let off fireworks. Most fireworks nowadays are very loud "bangers", and upset all animals, the wild animals, horses especially, and many dogs, cats and other little ones.

When people are having bonfire parties it can sound like a war-zone front line!

So this post is just a reminder to keep pets inside, with no way of getting out. Those who have horses also have to make some plan to prevent them getting terribly frightened.

I was charmed to hear that "Classic FM" are putting on a two-hour long classical music feature tonight- (Saturday 4th November from 7pm) -with our animals in mind. So it's "purrs" for Classic FM!
It is well known that gentle classical music helps to calm many animals.

Classic FM is on digital radio 100-102FM    (scroll down the page a little to see the special "pets" feature tonight)

N.B. It might be that the program would only be received in UK and parts of Europe (?)
Great radio channel and great music - but sadly, FM signals cannot be received in France (except if you are on the NE coastline very near to the Channel Islands). All I can get is Radio 4 long wave and Radio 5 on medium wave.

Sadly also, Classic FM is not licensed for internet reception unless you are in the UK (it checks your IP when you go there!)

But enjoy that great, great channel, Tobi!
PS Just found this, which I could listen to on their website (presumably because it is on YouTube so they have an exemption):

I think it would be too piercing for a dog (and even my sensitive human ears meant I had to turn the volume down) but it is certainly unusual.

PPS I just tried it with Forgy. He looked at first curious, then totally disinterested, haha!
That's really good! Yes you do have to turn the volume down. I turned it to 3 bars. But what an amazing sound!

I wonder what Forgy thought it was? Some sort of strange howling creature? Smiley4

I wonder if you could hide your IP? can borrow mine. I have about six to choose from
I can't get it either unless I register and then I probably won't get it because of my location.
We don't have fireworks tonight anyhow.

LPC, I can't get your link either.  Look how long it took to get your Birthday Card. I found a way and it was worth it.

It is too bad people need to make so much noise with fireworks. It upsets everything and it is dangerous.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Catherine, I just did a search and found the video on YT:
Wow! That is not what I expected. The music is beautiful. It has a haunting quality. I already had my volume turned down. It is better played softly. I love that he is making music from a totally unlikely "instrument". Sometimes the unlikely music sources give the most interesting sounds.

It would certainly take your mind off the fireworks.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Yes it is really beautiful. I wonder how the player knows where to place his bow? Unless the saw has marks on it to remind him?

It's a far cry from those elastic band instruments I used to make when I was a kid. I'd hammer nails in a block of wood and stretch elastic bands over them, then pluck them to make a sound. The trouble was, they had to be very tight and often snapped. That wasn't what you'd call a beautiful sound...but worth an experiment. My Dad then made a block of wood with a hole in the middle for me to try, which improved things a bit! haha!
You are a natural musician. You instinctively  make an instrument.  
I saw that once before when staying in a cabin in the Rockies. Someone else at the site took logs and tested their sound and set up a wooden percussion instrument by laying them out on the ground. He had the right notes in order and it gave an interesting sound.

I wouldn't do music. I would find a way to draw things. There are surfaces everywhere and there are things that can be used as drawing/painting materials.

In prehistoric times you would be creating music and I would be painting the cave walls.
I am sure music goes that far back. We just don't have a record.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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