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Before and after pictures of puppies that grew up.
People have posted pictures of their adorable puppies and the beautiful dogs they grew in to.  The transformation is delightful.
Some dogs have grown a lot. They have all kept some hint of the cute puppies they once were.

Some of the dogs have grown so much more that you would have expected.  It is a cute before and after transformation.
You never think about how much a pet will change as it grows up. I love the ones where they show the dog with a toy or a sweater. The great big puppy toy is now smaller than the dog's head. Smiley4
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I've always wondered not knowing Edwards history what he was like as a kitten,I've only had him since he was full grown same with Bessie.
I bet he was the cutest kitten ever. He was probably one of those little stripy  kittens that  puff up their fur every time they get startled.
I have had Boris the guinea pig since he was about 4 weeks old. He was the cutest little guy. Most of my other guinea pigs were adult rescues.
I would love to have seen Barrie the lizard as a baby. He would have been so sweet. 

When we take in a rescue we take the pet as is, fully grown and everything. We miss something precious, but we give an adult pet a chance. 
Still, it would be nice to see the baby pictures.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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