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Man prevents cat rescue...the cat is safe
Local rescue groups are tying to rescue a cat with a bird feeder stuck on its head. This man is deliberately blocking their attempts. The cat can't stay the way it is. It does need rescuing. So hisses to the one person who is preventing the rescue and putting the cat at risk.Angry
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

How mean!! What possible motivation can he have to be doing this?
I hope they get the cat before it's too late.
Greeting from Wales.
Hwyl Fawr o'r Cymru.
This is the web site of the rescue I volunteer at.
Perhaps the man is mentally retarded and does not understand. Perhaps he is mentally ill. Perhaps he thinks the traps are for trapping animals generally and does not realise their purpose. Until he is caught and questioned we cannot be sure.

The more important issue is to find the poor cat quickly. Presumably s/he cannot eat or drink.
I understand that he is deliberately keeping this particular cat from getting help. They have asked anyone who spots the cat to NOT post it on social media so the man does not find out where the cat is.

The cat could only have limited possibilities for food and water if it can eat at all. It might be able to get at water. It can see from one eye so it is hard to sneak up on it.

Maybe it is his bird feeder. I can see someone being angry about a stray, but it would be better for it to be caught and rehomed away from the area.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

If they saw him during the night, going back to his own property, then they must have some idea where he lives! I don't see why the police or the rescuers can't go knock on his door, and talk to him about this.
Perhaps he hates cats. But this is an animal welfare situation. The cat won't live too long without water at least.
I think they know where he lives, but he is always gone when the police arrive. Maybe they could catch him on a camera. If he hurries home he could pretend he was asleep. The police hate situations like that. There is no proof.

We had a mentally ill neighbour on my street who vandalized people's homes and harassed them. She was always so sweet when the police came so it always looked like we were harassing her. The people next door actually sold their house and moved.

Still this is an animal welfare situation so something needs to be done very soon.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I would have thought that if they know the person, then all they have to do is film him interfering. That could then provide evidence for the police to question him - and hence find out if he is mentally ill.
As far as I am aware, the ASPCA can obtain a warrant quite quickly, to enter private property when an animal's welfare is at stake. Whether that applies if the animal doesn't actually live ON the property....I don't know.
I actually hope the cat gets wedged somewhere, and pulls back fast, and that way gets out of the bird feeder. All it probably needs is some traction so it can back out.

I am sorry you had that kind of neighbour Catherine. When we lived in London we had some strange neighbours sometimes, but no-one quite as challenging as that.
Quote:I am sorry you had that kind of neighbour Catherine. When we lived in London we had some strange neighbours sometimes, but no-one quite as challenging as that.
She died suddenly a few months ago and we were all relieved. She would call the city licensing and accuse people of things that were not true, but they had to let the city inspect their homes to prove her wrong. Even with video cameras installed she was still able to vandalize in the middle of the night or at just the right angle to avoid the camera. She killed a racoon. I will spare you the details, but it was horrible.

I think they are trying to catch the guy in the act, but he is as clever as my "crazy" neighbour.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I hope something has been resolved by now. The cat will be seriously dehydrated....I am concerned for it.

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