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Store sells shrink wrapped crabs...alive
Yes you are right Catherine.

I can understand it may be hard for the RSPCA, as obviously they have to work within a legal framework. But the least they could do is kick up a fuss about this, as WE are doing! Not just turn a blind eye and quote the 'Law'.
Even if they made some fuss about it on Twitter or their Facebook page, or organised some would all help.
Instead, others have to do that.
They may say such things are not their responsibility. But in my view, they are, as they are in existence for the protection of animals.

The law concerning Crustaceans must be changed. The only reason -in my view anyway -for them to be exempt, is because it is very convenient. and means they can be boiled alive without anyone stoppng to think or feel for them.

I think there are plenty of studies which show they do feel pain. Well of course, any truly sentient Being would already know that they do! But for the law to be changed, scientific studies would probably have to be presented. So why AREN'T they being presented??

Also I bear a thought for those poor creatures involved in such 'scientific studies'......

There really is another way, and that is direct intuition and compassion. Simple.

It seems the ways of these things as they stand, are created and upheld in such a way that borders on the psychotic.

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RE: Store sells shrink wrapped crabs...alive - by Tobi - 10-31-2015, 01:35 AM

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