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Plastic Bag Sculpture--the impact of plastic pollution
Plastic carrier bags are a comparatively new thing. When I was a girl....maybe up until sometime in the 60s no one ever used plastic bags. When people went shopping they took a shopping bag or two, or a basket. Many housewives used shopping trolleys and filled them up (no bags) and trundled the whole thing home. Sometimes they used a cardboard box or two for putting shopping in a car. Food was wrapped in brown paper, some things (like cheese) in greaseproof paper, and many things like fish etc in newspaper!

Then plastic suddenly arrived. I can't remember when but it isn't all that long ago. And when we think how short a time that is and what a dangerous environmental impact it has already had -in that time frame! -it is very scary.....plastic 'islands'  floating in oceans!? -WHAAAT??
In 40 years dumped plastic bags are having that much effect. It is time to stop completely, because in another 40 years, at that rate the whole world will be a plastic island.

I get my shopping delivered now and order online. There is an option for 'no bags' which I choose. The items are carried inside in containers by the delivery driver, and then I take them out, put them on the floor, and when the driver has gone put the items away. No bags needed!

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RE: Plastic Bag Sculpture--the impact of plastic pollution - by Tobi - 11-11-2015, 10:46 AM

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