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What's more fun than a baby Beardie?
They do seem to be having fun together. I think bearded dragons like company. Females get along of course and we believe they are all female.

Henry is much bigger so he would possibly eat them at this stage.  I have things set up so they can't see him because they would be afraid.   If they really are all girls, in a year of so when they are bigger maybe they could be with Henry. It might not be fair to Henry. He can't climb like they can and he might get hurt doing what they can do. Or else I would set things up for Henry, but then the girls wouldn't have the chance to climb and be active.  It is always tough with a handicapped pet. I wouldn't want henry to become aware of how damaged he is. He is happy now and that is important.

Little bit is a good eater. I am sure she will catch up in size.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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RE: What's more fun than a baby Beardie? - by Catherine - 11-25-2015, 01:10 PM

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