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Things your pet does when you are out.
I remember that story about Dazzle eating a £1 note LPC! That was funny. Of course £1 had a lot more value in those days. I remember when I was about 5 or 6 asking my Dad what the lowest wage for a working man was. He said about £3. 10 shillings a week, or maybe a little more. So that £1 note would be the equivalent of maybe £70 or £80 now! We used to be able to buy a loaf of bread for tuppence.
I'm glad your Dad got the dog-eaten £1 reimbursed by the bank in the end!

Catherine -I thnk it is so nice that the Hamsters could make their own den. You knew where they were, so weren't going to move furniture around.

Misty never went near the fridge. I don't think she associated it with food. Probably because most of the things I got out of it didn't interest her much -like lettuce or broccoli, etc. I kept meals or her in the freezer just above it, and brought them out to thaw every day, but I don't think she ever saw me do it.

I kept the rubbish bin in a niche behind a curtain in the kitchen, so she never bothered that either. But she was not a 'naughty' doggy! She was very trustworthy with things. Even when I left my dinner on a low table, to go back into the kitchen for salt or pepper, she never moved from her bed.

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RE: Things your pet does when you are out. - by Tobi - 02-13-2016, 04:40 AM

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