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Pet Smart supplier guity of cruelty to reptiles
Jake is one of the lucky ones.

All those damaged bearded dragons are not so lucky. They are not suitable for sale in a pet store if they are damaged so they will have been killed. I don't even say euthanized because that implies a gentle kind death.

Pigbert the guinea pig was sent to a pet store and it was clear he was "damaged goods". They were supposed to euthanize him, but I took him because they were a good store and wouldn't kill a sweet little baby guinea pig. He was always "damaged", but he had a good life.

A  lot of my rescue pets, especially the reptiles are the damaged ones. Leo the Cuban Knight Anole is missing his back feet.
I deal with ethical people who take in damaged pets and find them homes.  Any of these animals would have been killed if they were from pet smart suppliers.

We just took in a litter of baby bearded dragons. The person hatched them and then couldn't figure out how to feed them. He made a lot of other mistakes and in the few weeks they have been out of the egg they are quite damaged. I don't know how much can be reversed. Their bones are already misshapen.  One has a bent jaw and has trouble eating. First they will be fed and strengthened, then when they are ready they will be placed in loving homes.  That will happen because love of the animals comes first.

Pet smart doesn't love animals, they love profits. Good animal care costs money. Caring for animals injured in the pet trade cuts into the profits so they don't care for them. They just dispose of them like garbage.

If Jake had shown signs of his spine deformity before he was sold, he would have been tossed in the freezer...alive! Angry
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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RE: Pet Smart supplier guity of cruelty to reptiles - by Catherine - 03-09-2016, 03:23 PM

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