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Man hunts bear with spear and leaves it to die slowly.
I bought the newspaper yesterday and read that story this morning. It is terrible, what was done to that bear. I felt deeply ashamed of being human when I saw that man's gloating egotistical attitude to brutally killing an innocent creature.
Somewhere, sometime, he will have to face what he has done...and presumably continues to do in total ignorance. When he faces it, he will feel it.
The bear wasn't even attacking him.
I feel so sorry for what that bear must have gone through. He of course makes light of it, but it's estimated that it could have taken the bear 20 hours or more to die the most horrible death.

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RE: Man hunts bear with spear and leaves it to die slowly. - by Tobi - 08-18-2016, 05:03 AM

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