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Man hunts bear with spear and leaves it to die slowly.
The killing was brutal and the practice of bear baiting is cowardly und unethical.

The man's attitude is embarrassing. I am ashamed that any animal on the planet would think I am the same species.

He has really made people aware of bear hunting and not in a favourable way. Spear hunting will be banned and that is a good thing. I don't think much of the couple who acted as guides. They take people out for a fee, but they are really setting up a kill for money. It is blood money plain and simple. Money earned that way is not a good thing. With their skills they could lead people out to where they could see the bears and other animals. The same bear could be seen again and again.

Why do people feel they need to kill things. Are they so defective inside that killing makes them feel stronger. Those of us who don't kill are the stronger people.

I feel sad for the bear who died in horrible pain because he was attracted to food. Smiley19
No one should be allowed to lure an animal like that.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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RE: Man hunts bear with spear and leaves it to die slowly. - by Catherine - 08-18-2016, 04:27 PM

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