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Group questions fake nature photography
I am sure there are others like that. I am glad he was stopped and the dog removed. It is even better that he was charged.

The only way to stop it is for all of us who care to look at videos and report them. I think You Tube will remove videos and Facebook will as well. I think they will even remove a Facebook page. Of course real cruelty has to be reported to local authorities so they can intervene. 

In some ways the internet allows abusers of all kinds a way to show off their cruelty. It also gives us a chance to catch them.
So when we are spending time watching Funny Cat videos we are also policing the internet for animal cruelty.  It is a tool we never had before and all of us can use it.

Did you do a thread about the subject of animal cruelty videos? I am vaguely remembering something, but I may be mixing it with something else.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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RE: Group questions fake nature photography - by Catherine - 08-28-2016, 04:28 AM

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