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Bear Grylls stunt an act of animal cruelty
Grylls is the worst sort of entertainer.   He will do anything to improve his ratings. The way these shows work they are very much staged. We are not seeing what really happens. They fill people's heads with so called survival nonsense.  Real survival is what our ancestors did. They did what ever is needed to keep alive and keep going.  Bringing in animals so they can be killed for entertainment is nasty. They certainly were not killing a wild pig. That would have been a lot harder and the pig would have fought back.

I would hope that no one would want to go on a show like this, but I suppose people are lined up waiting for a chance. It doesn't speak to highly of people that they want to go one the show and it isn't good that so many people want to watch it.

We don't have bull fighting, but it seems there is still a desire to see killing as entertainment.

Getting rid of Grylls is not going to be easy. First you have to change the audience. The public needs to be made aware of how wrong it is to treat animals that way.
Good for groups like PETA that they are working to stop him.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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RE: Bear Grylls stunt an act of animal cruelty - by Catherine - 09-04-2016, 04:59 PM

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