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Protests continue against abusive vet
The leniency with which Mr Rekhi has been treated, is really shocking and surprising. It's as if the Ontario College of Veterinarians don't really care as much about the animals as they do about 'saving as much face as possible' for one of their vets! Also they are using a weak excuse that he has originated from Pakistan, where animal treatment differs.
That is the worst excuse ever. And I seriously question the sanity of Ontario College for even saying that! Nowhere on Earth is it common to swing a cat by the tail, and deliberately bang its body against a table just before surgery. And it certainly cannot be meant as any 'chastisement' to make it 'behave better'! It is blatant lust for damage, and expression of hatred on Mr Rekhi's part.
Also, the fact that he pleaded guilty is in his favour? What else could he do when faced with video evidence collected over time?

But as far as I can see, "People Power" is making some impact. No-one is shutting up about this. He will need facial reconstruction surgery and a new identity to EVER work as a vet least in "Western" countries.

I can only hope this man wakes up and starts to feel compassion. But his anger, seeming hatred of animals, and bullying cruelty seems to dominate him unfortunately. I am quite sorry for him actually. What he could know, if he wasn't like that!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Protests continue against abusive vet - by Catslave. - 10-04-2016, 09:41 AM
RE: Protests continue against abusive vet - by Tobi - 10-15-2016, 08:15 AM

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