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Mice produced from artificial eggs
The reason the scientists did this is not because they care two hoots about mice, but were using them as some sort of 'ground-breaking research' and an experiment.

If humans are in danger of becoming extinct -(fat chance actually as the population continues to explode world-wide!) then it has to be as a result of something we are creating, as we have such a massive impact on the eco-systems of this planet. Far more than any other species.
However as LPC mentioned, our environmental toxins, and hormone mimics can lower sperm count and also fertility in females. Stress can also do that, and I see people leading increasingly stressed lives just to make ends meet.

Poor mice.

I agree with you Catherine. I also wonder if our ethics can keep up with our scientific discoveries.

Messages In This Thread
Mice produced from artificial eggs - by Catherine - 10-18-2016, 02:47 PM
RE: Mice produced from artificial eggs - by LPC - 10-18-2016, 08:13 PM
RE: Mice produced from artificial eggs - by Tobi - 10-19-2016, 03:16 AM
RE: Mice produced from artificial eggs - by Tobi - 10-20-2016, 02:06 AM

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