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Polar Bear pets sled dog
The actual story.

Following last weeks viral video of a Polar Bear petting a Dog in Churchill, Manitoba I figured it is only fair that I share with you the story that was missed. Though followed up by a more truthful story the primary video was promoted as a sweet and gentle one, but it wasn't. Have a read and see what actually happens and keep in mind that a dog at this farm did get eaten.

The video takes place at a farm owned by Brian Ladoon, a local dog owner who keeps his dogs chained up right in the path of the largest bear migration on earth. Nothing new there thats just how it works up north; however the worst part about it is that Brian not only feeds his dogs, but also the bears. In the 70s in fact the owner was taken to court for allegedly leaving food out for the bears and he openly said no I don't leave food out for them I feed them and that still goes on today.

As many of you know even in Black Bear country down south feeding wildlife spells a death sentence for the animal as they get addicted to food and therefor end up in the cities looking for more. Though same rules apply in Churchill, they are not enforced and even the Police go to the farm to enjoy watching the bears.

Annually the bears get removed from Brian's farm where they end up because of food. The worst part of all this is that it isn't done to benefit the bears, the dogs, anyone it is all made for profit. Brian charges between 80-120 for you to go on his land to photograph bears, depending on how much he likes you; Police of course don't pay anything. Once you enter his property the bears that are far away get chased up by a unchained dog, once up they notice Brain's truck (where there is probably food) and follow it up and down the short stretch of road. Notice how the bears only check the backs of truck and not any other car. This goes on all day so the bears never actually get the rest they need as they wait for the sea ice to form.

This is the true story, we observed this while we were in Churchill and you can to just have a look at our pictures and read the descriptions to see whats going on. All this being said doesn't mean we are against Churchill, we love it up there, but it is things like this that make people see the wrong side of Churchill; just because of one person.

Lets see if we can make this go as viral as the video, please share and thank you for listening,


Messages In This Thread
Polar Bear pets sled dog - by Catherine - 11-18-2016, 04:31 PM
RE: Polar Bear pets sled dog - by Tobi - 11-19-2016, 03:50 AM
RE: Polar Bear pets sled dog - by Catherine - 11-19-2016, 03:57 PM
RE: Polar Bear pets sled dog - by platy - 11-24-2016, 03:38 PM
RE: Polar Bear pets sled dog - by Catherine - 11-24-2016, 04:20 PM
RE: Polar Bear pets sled dog - by LPC - 11-24-2016, 08:53 PM
RE: Polar Bear pets sled dog - by Tobi - 11-24-2016, 11:23 PM
RE: Polar Bear pets sled dog - by platy - 11-25-2016, 01:50 PM
RE: Polar Bear pets sled dog - by Catherine - 11-25-2016, 03:52 PM
RE: Polar Bear pets sled dog - by Tobi - 11-26-2016, 03:24 AM
RE: Polar Bear pets sled dog - by Catherine - 11-26-2016, 03:16 PM

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