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Eating live must be stopped
People are ignorant about most species. They barely get it that cats and dogs can feel. I have mentioned that one of my snakes had a scrape and was bleeding and a person who is actually a lawyer(therefore university educated) was surprized to learn that snakes have blood.

Yes I should have said something to the lady with the snake skin purse. Maybe she would stop carrying it in public.
We have to be very bold if we are going to get the message across. People have to be made to see over and over again that animals can feel pain and fear AND that we don't have the right to cause them pain and fear.

The countries where they eat live animals also eat cats and dogs. It may be that they don't see anything, but humans as being capable of feeling pain and fear. I think many of them do know and just don't care. That is a harder problem to fight. It is going to be hard to end these forms of animal cruelty. Humans seem to be able to overcome anything and ignore anything when they want to eat something. Too many people in the world don't think beyond their stomachs.

The fight for a better world is just that, a fight to overcome the world we live in now. We are making progress, but it is slow.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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RE: Eating live must be stopped - by Catherine - 12-06-2016, 02:07 PM

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