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Controversy around the movie A Dog's Purpose
There is a petition about the treatment of that dog, a German Shepherd, who was forced into turbulent water, while clearly terrified.

It appears to be only signable by those across the 'pond'. However, I signed with my name and my nearest town, and added "UK"....Alberta came up and I didn't delete it because there were no options. Fingers crossed my signature went through....

The story and the movie is probably a very good one, but nevertheless, no-one has the right to bully any animal for the sake of a movie. They should be reminded -the world is watching.

In my opinion, waiting 15 months before reporting an incident is no evidence of that incident being untrue. I can understand that their explanation of Hercules' unwillingness to go into the water from that position could happen, as he had become accusomed to a different routine. But nevertheless, the video evidence shows he was forced into the water -no matter WHAT happened earlier, or how happy he was to leap into the pool earlier!
Dogs have complex emotional systems and we should respect them and never be impatient with them, or make them do things for our convenience or because we only have "x" minutes to catch a shot....etc.

I would like to see this film though....

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RE: Controversy around the movie A Dog's Purpose - by Tobi - 01-23-2017, 10:02 AM

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