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Warning: Pentobarbital found in US dog food
Good warning. Hopefully the word will get out fast enough to prevent more deaths.

Also good response on the part of the pet food company.

It is their meat supplier that needs to be looked at. Some of the beef they are supplying is obviously from euthanized horses. They could mix a certain amount of horse meat into the beef and it wouldn't be noticed. However and drugs in the horse meat would end up in the food. I am sure they saved a little money doing that, but they lost a 40 year contact with a reputable company. Not much of a saving in the end and it showed a serious disregard for life.

Quote:What really goes into commercial pet foods?? (rhetorical question actually...)
Do we really want to know?(also rhetorical)

There needs to be much more accountability as to the disposal of euthanized animals. There needs to be a lot more attention paid to where meat comes from whether it is for animal or human consumption.

It was a nice touch for the pet food company to make a donation in memory of the dog that died. Nothing replaces a lost pet, but that acknowledges that the pet was special.

This is not the first tainted pet food issue. The big one was tainted grain from China.

Quote:The best we can do is make sure we get a good reliable supplier of wholesome pet food, which may cost a little more. And be prepared to pay it. Otherwise, the safest way to feed our dogs and cats is by choosing human-grade meat and fish, and cooking it with vegetables. Then finding a good species-specific supplement to add to the food, so there are no nutritional deficiencies.
Making your own pet food is probably the safest way to feed your pets. I am sure there are recipes for dog and cat foods that are easy to make and much healthier.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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RE: Warning: Pentobarbital found in US dog food - by Catherine - 02-08-2017, 02:30 PM

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