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Warning: Pentobarbital found in US dog food
Quote:I have posted about this on quite a few forums (including two specifically for dogs), but this forum has produced the most discussion! Elsewhere, the result has been silence or else it has been very muted. That is because this forum has a heart [Image: heart.gif] [Image: heart.gif] [Image: heart.gif]
Thank-you. It makes me proud of what we have done here.

I agree, a story like this needs to be made public in as many places as possible and it needs to be discussed.
Most people who look up forums don't post, they usually don't even register as members. That is okay. We can still reach them with important news and perhaps some dogs will be saved because of it.

Tobi, I love the story of you cooking for Misty. It is pretty simple to make healthy food for a dog. You can even get vitamin supplements to add to their food. I never thought about a fish stew for dogs, but I guess many dogs like fish. It certainly would be safer and you could control what goes into it.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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RE: Warning: Pentobarbital found in US dog food - by Catherine - 02-09-2017, 03:47 PM

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