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Traces of Alzheimer's detected in some animal species.
I have made it through most of the first movie. It is heavy watching. It is pretty clear that Aluminum is being introduced into the environment by spraying. I have never seen contrail patterns like that. Of course they wouldn't be able to do it over an area that has a lot of normal air traffic. Toronto has two active airports. They must be using more air traffic open areas. 

Whatever the reason for the spraying there has been little regard for the consequences of the spraying. Keep in mind they did above ground nuclear testing in the USA for years with little thought for the consequences. This seems to be a consistent theme, let's do something dangerous and pretend there are no risks. 

So the result is higher aluminum in the environment. Aluminum is highly toxic and specifically neurologically dangerous. 
We are seeing an increase in neurological diseases. Finding a direct cause and effect link could be impossible, unless the aluminum in the Alzheimer's brain tangles is a specific match for the aluminum sprayed.

So proving the link might be a waste of resources at this time. I consider the presence of Alzheimer's signs in Dolphins and Chimps to be enough proof that there are environmental links. Now the big question is how do we fix this. Can aluminum be removed from the human body? Can we remove it from the environment? We better start trying.

The people who put the aluminum in the environment are just as susceptible as the rest of us. I wonder if they ever think about that or do they already have Alzheimer's disease.

(Yes I did eat during the movie. I made myself a proper tea with jam and cheese and crackers with some wonderful pumpkin chai. It takes a lot to put me off food)
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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RE: Traces of Alzheimer's detected in some animal species. - by Catherine - 10-30-2017, 02:15 PM

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