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Campaign for memorial to WW2 pet massacre
It is a chapter in the war story that should never be forgotten. Yes it might have been hard, but the cats would have helped with the mice and rats. Dogs would have eaten anything at all and been happy. Dogs with their sharp hearing would have helped keep people safe. They would have provided comfort to frightened children.

People did what they were told without question. The sent their children away because the government told them to. I hope we will never act so compliant again. If we are being told to do something we don't agree with we should say no. If enough people resist then we will stop it.

Since no one acted to save the pets we should recognize what they went through and honour them as war dead. Smiley19
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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RE: Campaign for memorial to WW2 pet massacre - by Catherine - 08-29-2018, 02:07 PM

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