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Nova Scotia bans declawing and tail docking etc.
Good for Australia that is was ahead of the crowd on this. The declawing was the worst. I saw it done and it was a crude surgery. They just hacked the tips off the cats "fingers" with nail clippers. They didn't use pain killers so the cat woke up in screaming pain. It was horrible.
I will be glad when these surgeries are banned right around the world. It is time we stopped messing with animals.

So what is a cavoodle? We have labridoodles and golden doodles in my neighbourhood. It has gotten silly they way they mix breeds up and give them ridiculous names.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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RE: Nova Scotia bans declawing and tail dacking etc. - by Catherine - 10-11-2018, 05:10 PM

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