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Cat ladies explain why cats are better than men
If I am honest, I didn't like the way the article was written: about three women (women only) who like cats (and only cats). This seems to give the impression that only women live alone with cats, rather than men alone with cats, or women alone with dogs, or men alone with dogs....or indeed any other companion animal.

From my own website, I know from the many people who write in all the time, that there are many men who live also alone with a cat or cats. I also know that there are women who live alone with dogs, or men who live alone with dogs.

How people choose to live their lives is their choice. But the article seems to present a somewhat sexist and species-ist tone. We are all equal. Some people love animals (including those who love reptiles like you do, Catherine). There are also some people just don't like animals at all (women or men).

It is nothing to do with gender or the choice of companion animal. The most important thing is love, regardless of gender or species.

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RE: Cat ladies explain why cats are better than men - by LPC - 03-16-2019, 08:09 PM

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