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The rise of YouTube animal cruelty videos
This is terrible and deeply disturbing. So far I haven't seen any.

YouTube doesn't know what to do about it?
If it were a copyright violation, they would have a video taken down in half a day. If it were libel, they come down hard. They are also taking down videos with apparent "fake news" items. Try to upload a movie or TV show on there....and see how long it stays up!
But they "don't know what to do" with animal cruelty?

"What we can do is watch for cruelty videos and report them and we can let YouTube know we don't like  cruelty videos and report any we come across."

Yes, we have to do that of course.

My gosh! This has been going on for a long time. See this petition (now closed with a mere 1945 signatures):

It was started by J. Warner 8 years ago!

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RE: The rise of YouTube animal cruelty videos - by Tobi - 08-30-2019, 09:09 AM

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