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There are horses abandoned by man in an African desert.
Perhaps a zoologist or some other professional animal expert knows what's best for this feral herd. I'm just a dumb American who sits at his computer all day long and browses things all over Google and YouTube. I do hate needless animal and human suffering though. The video I posted insists that German colonists, German soldiers and South African soldiers all abandoned their own respective horses arsing from military actions of World War I. Namibia is a former German colony with interest in mining diamonds. The Germans lost their African holdings following World War I. The human stupidity of war and economic greed has resulted in leaving animals in a bad way. If man really left the animals there to their own devices then shame on him. 

I'm not going to worry myself over this anymore. There are lot of hungry people in this world as well. Most suffering of living things in this world is due to the overall faults of man. Man is arrogant, greedy, selfish, sinfully proud, money-hungry and power-hungry.  Those few members of Homo sapiens sapiens with money and/or power contribute to the suffering of many. 

I don't have the means myself to help these horses. I can only offer my ideas of what might be done to otherwise make things better. I can only make suggestions. It was a very interesting video I stumbled upon and I thought it worth sharing here anyway just for the general knowledge of others. 

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RE: There are horses abandoned by man in an African desert. - by Black Wolf - 04-13-2021, 06:10 AM

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