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Subway says NO to cage eggs!
Food wastage is a terrible problem. It depletes the environment to produce so much food. It overwhelms the environment to absorb the garbage from so much food.
The agricultural waste from factory farms is devastating the environment.

If you have ever had a tight food budget, that much food wastage is really upsetting. People throw out more food from one meal than I had for days of meals when I was a student.
People at buffets drive me crazy. They eat too much, but they also throw away mounds of food.

Take what you need and eat it all! I am with Bock, she deserved a balloon.

My pet peeve is people who leave a spoonful of food. Couldn't you just eat that? It is as if they want to waste something.

I do not know if we can free range all the chickens in the world, but there has to be something better than intense factory farming.
There must be a friendly way to keep chickens that is cruelty free and clean/healthy, and economical. It would be okay to streamline animal care and standardize it and generally make it more efficient. That does not have to be done with cruelty. The farm industry needs to change its focus. Chicken well being has to be part of the process of egg production.
This needs to be done for all other forms of agriculture.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


Messages In This Thread
Subway says NO to cage eggs! - by Tobi - 09-18-2014, 10:28 AM
RE: Subway says NO to cage eggs! - by Catherine - 09-18-2014, 02:26 PM
RE: Subway says NO to cage eggs! - by Catherine - 09-19-2014, 01:21 PM
RE: Subway says NO to cage eggs! - by Catherine - 10-06-2014, 04:59 AM

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